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The OpenTelemetry SDK provides a working implementation of the API, and can be set up and configured in a number of ways.

Manual setup

Setting up an SDK manually gives you the most control over the SDK’s configuration:

<?php $exporter = new InMemoryExporter(); $meterProvider = new NoopMeterProvider(); $tracerProvider = new TracerProvider( new BatchSpanProcessor( $exporter, ClockFactory::getDefault(), 2048, //max queue size 5000, //export timeout 1024, //max batch size true, //auto flush $meterProvider ) );

SDK Builder

The SDK builder provides a convenient interface to configure parts of the SDK. However, it doesn’t support all of the features that manual setup does.

<?php $spanExporter = new InMemoryExporter(); //mock exporter for demonstration purposes $meterProvider = MeterProvider::builder() ->addReader( new ExportingReader(new MetricExporter((new StreamTransportFactory())->create(STDOUT, 'application/x-ndjson'), /*Temporality::CUMULATIVE*/)) ) ->build(); $tracerProvider = TracerProvider::builder() ->addSpanProcessor( (new BatchSpanProcessorBuilder($spanExporter)) ->setMeterProvider($meterProvider) ->build() ) ->build(); $loggerProvider = LoggerProvider::builder() ->addLogRecordProcessor( new SimpleLogsProcessor( (new ConsoleExporterFactory())->create() ) ) ->setResource(ResourceInfo::create(Attributes::create(['foo' => 'bar']))) ->build(); Sdk::builder() ->setTracerProvider($tracerProvider) ->setLoggerProvider($loggerProvider) ->setMeterProvider($meterProvider) ->setPropagator(TraceContextPropagator::getInstance()) ->setAutoShutdown(true) ->buildAndRegisterGlobal();


If all configuration comes from environment variables (or php.ini), you can use SDK autoloading to automatically configure and globally register an SDK. The only requirement for this is that you set OTEL_PHP_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED=true, and provide any required/non-standard configuration as set out in SDK configuration.

For example:

<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; //sdk autoloading happens as part of composer initialization $tracer = OpenTelemetry\API\Globals::tracerProvider()->getTracer('name', 'version', 'schema.url', [/*attributes*/]); $meter = OpenTelemetry\API\Globals::meterProvider()->getMeter('name', 'version', 'schema.url', [/*attributes*/]);

SDK autoloading happens as part of the composer autoloader.

Excluded URLs

You can disable SDK autoloading if the request URL matches a regular expression. Matching an excluded URL prevents any telemetry from being generated or exported. You can use this feature in a shared-nothing PHP runtime like Apache or NGINX, for requests such as health checks.

For example, the following configuration turns off telemetry for requests such as https://site/client/123/info and https://site/xyz/healthcheck:



The PHP SDK supports most of the available configuration options. For conformance details, see the compliance matrix.

There are also a number of PHP-specific configurations:

NameDefault valueValuesExampleDescription
OTEL_PHP_TRACES_PROCESSORbatchbatch, simplesimpleSpan processor selection
OTEL_PHP_DETECTORSallenv, host, os, process, process_runtime, sdk, sdk_provided, containerenv,os,processResource detector selection
OTEL_PHP_AUTOLOAD_ENABLEDfalsetrue, falsetrueEnable/disable SDK autoloading
OTEL_PHP_LOG_DESTINATIONdefaulterror_log, stderr, stdout, psr3, nonestderrWhere internal errors and warnings will be sent
OTEL_PHP_INTERNAL_METRICS_ENABLEDfalsetrue, falsetrueWhether the SDK should emit metrics about its internal state (for example, batch processors)
OTEL_PHP_DISABLED_INSTRUMENTATIONS[]Instrumentation names, or allpsr15,psr18Disable one or more installed auto-instrumentations
OTEL_PHP_EXCLUDED_URLS``Comma-delimited regular expression patternsclient/.*/info,healthcheckDo not load the SDK if request URL matches one of the supplied regular expressions
OTEL_PHP_DEBUG_SCOPES_DISABLEDfalsetrue, falsetrueTurn on or off scope detachment debugging.

Configurations can be provided as environment variables, or via php.ini (or a file included by php.ini)


最終更新 January 24, 2025: PHP docs minor fixes (#6042) (b98d4589)